About Dr. Ravindran B Kamble Dr. Ravindra B Kamble is a Neurointerventional radiologist. with 16+ of experience. Expert in neuro-interventions, like aneurysm coiling, AVM embolization, acute stroke management, carotid stenting, and all neurological endovascular procedures. There are 26 publications under his name in various national and international journals and a book chapter in the Textbook of contemporary Neurosurgery ( Vincent A Thamburaj) with Vast experience in Neuro intervention, peripheral intervention, and Image-guided procedures. He can handle all the complicated cases in a very efficient way. He delivers lectures in medical conferences and trains interventional radiology trainees.
Work Experience
Associate Professor, VM medical college
Associate Professor, Katuri medical college
Associate Professor, Sri Ramachandra Medical College
Special Interest
Aneurysm coiling
AVM embolization
Acute stroke management
Carotid stenting
Biliary stenting
GI bleeds
Vascular stenting
Varicose vein laser ablation
RF and microwave ablation of liver tumours
Osteoid osteoma