Dr. Rushi Deshpande

Dr. AbdelFattah Al-Masry
Experience: 16 years of experience
Hospital: Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai


About Dr. Rushi Deshpande Dr. Rushi Deshpande is a renowned Nephrologist with experience of nearly 16 years. He has a specialization in Kidney Disease Treatment, Kidney Transplant, and Sigmoidoscopy. He has experience in the treatment of Hemodialysis, Peritoneal dialysis, Kidney transplantation, and Resistant or difficult to treat Hypertension. Dr. Rushi has done training in Transplant Pathology, Histocompatibility laboratory, and also had experience managing kidney and pancreas (KP) transplant recipients. He has been involved in administrative responsibilities including training of Nephrology fellows rotating through transplant. Dr. Deshpande has also independently performed kidney biopsies and insertion of hemodialysis vascular access (femoral and jugular catheterization and arterio-venous fistula procedures).

Work Experience

Special Interest

blood or protein in urine
chronic kidney disease
kidney stones, although a urologist may also treat this
kidney infections
kidney swelling due to glomerulonephritis or interstitial nephritis
kidney cancer
polycystic kidney disease
hemolytic uremic syndrome
renal artery stenosis
nephrotic syndrome
end-stage kidney disease
kidney failure, both acute and chronic
Blood in Urine (Hematuria) Treatment
Renal Biopsy
Kidney Transplant
Adult Nephrology
Renal Replacement Therapy
Kidney Disease Treatment
Acute Kidney Disease ( AKI ) Treatment
Nephrology ICU
Diabetes Renal Failure
Transplant Nephrology
Chronic Kidney Disease ( CKD )
Kidney Stone Treatment
Acute Renal Failure