Dr. Sachin Vaidya

Dr. Sachin Vaidya
Experience: 23 years of experience


About Dr. Sachin Vaidya Dr. Sachin Vaidya is a Neurologist with an extensive 23+ experience. His expertise lies in Deep Brain Stimulation, Brain and Spinal surgeries, Movement Disorders, Parkinson’s Disease, Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA), Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt, Cerebrospinal Fluid Shunt, Cranial Cyber-Knife Radiosurgery and Laminectomy, etc. Dr. Vaidya did his graduation and post-graduation from the reputed University of Mumbai, Mumbai followed by DNB in General Medicine from the National Board of examinations, New Delhi. He is a member of the Maharastra Medical Council of India. Under his credit, there are numerous national and international publications and is actively invited as a guest speaker in scientific meetings, CME’, worldwide conferences to talk about neurological disorders. He received the reputed R.S Poredi Gold Medal for Highest marks in Medicine during his MBBS.

Work Experience

Special Interest

Deep Brain Stimulation
Brain and Spinal surgeries
Movement Disorders
Parkinson’s Disease.