Dr Sandesha Kothari

Experience: More than 5 years of experience
Hospital: Not Available


Dr Sandesha Kothari is a highly respected pain medicine specialist who specialises in back pain, lower back pain, neuropathic pain, sciatica, cervical spinal pain, and musculoskeletal pain, but to mention just a few. She currently practises at the Sevenoaks Medical Centre, KIMS Hospital, and the Spire Alexandra Hospital. 

Dr Sandesha Kothari is currently a Pain Medicine Specialist at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and at Medway NHS Foundation trust.

She was awarded CCST (Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training) in Anaesthetics with a special interest in Chronic Pain Medicine in 2005; subsequent to 5 years training in the South-Eastern School of Anaesthesia with a special interest in chronic pain medicine in the final year at St Thomas’ hospital, London.
Dr Kothari is the Regional Advisor for Pain Medicine Training by appointment by the Faculty of Pain Medicine since 2016, with her term renewed in 2019. Since 2008, she is a member of the London Pain Training Advisory Group.

She has written scientific papers and contributed towards chapters of textbooks and has presented at several international and national meetings.
Dr S Kothari is a Fellow of the Faculty of Pain medicine and member of the British Pain Society.

In the past, Dr Kothari has held various positions of leadership and academic authority, including:


 Deputy Educational Meetings Coordinator, Faculty of Pain Medicine, Royal College of Anaesthetists Training Programme Director, Pain, South Thames

List of Treatments

Not Available

Work Experience

 More than 5 years of experience Pain Medicine Specialist

Special Interest

 Chronic pain Cervical pain
 Ultrasound-guided injections Nerve blocks Chronic pelvic pain Radiculopathy Facet joint pain Neck pain Epidural injection