Dr. Sanjeev Chawla

Dr. Sanjeev Chawla
Experience: 10 years of experience


About Dr. Sanjeev Chawla Dr. Sanjeev Chawla has 10+ experience in the ENT field. Under his credit, there are various national and international publications. Efficiently performs complex surgeries like Partial Subtotal Thyroidectomies, Trans canal under malleus Myringoplasty, Sublingual and Submental dermoid excision, Submandibular gland excision & plunging ranula excision. Well trained in snoring evaluation & management from Singapore. Persuaded his MBBS from Dr. V M Medical College, Solapur followed by MS in ENT from Manipal University.

Work Experience

Consultant, Fortis Hospital Faridabad.

Special Interest

Surgery for Snoring
Nasal Endoscopy
Laser Surgeries for Head and Neck Lesions
Surgery Of The Facial Nerve
Head and Neck Tumor / Cancer Surgery
Ear Wax (Cerumen) Removal
Nasal Disorders
Throat and Voice Problems
Nasal and Sinus Allergy Care
Fracture Nasal Bone Correction
Salivary Gland Surgery
Thyroid Surgery
Ear Micro Surgery.