Dr. Sanjeevani Khanna

Dr. Sanjeevani Khanna
Experience: 36 years of experience


About Dr. Sanjeevani Khanna Dr. Sanjeevani Khanna is an Obstetrician and Gynecologist with an extensive 36+ experience. She has a fellowship of the Indian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (FOGSI), Training at Beams, Mumbai, for Laparoscopic and Hysteroscopic Surgery. Efficiently handles the case of Vulval Tuberculosis, Endometriosis, Complications of Trans-cervical Resection of Endometrium, and Complicated Urinary Fistulae. Under her credit, there are numerous national and international publications and she is a prominent member of the Delhi medical council of India. Dr. Khanna is a co-author of a book on safer Safer Pediatric Prescription which is comprised of valuable information. Persuaded her MBBS and MD in Obstetrics & Gynaecology from the reputed Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi. She along with her team organizes various health camps and spread awareness about various reproductive problems in women.

Work Experience

HOD, Fortis Hospital, Shalimar Bagh.

Special Interest

Complicated Pregnancy Treatment
Growth Scan
Gynecological Endoscopy
Gynaec Laparoscopy
Cervical Cerclage
Post Pregnancy Classes
Lamaze Classes
Pre and Post Delivery Care
Clinical Embryologist
Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI)
IUD placement.