Dr. Savita Dagar

Dr. Savita Dagar
Experience: 10 years of experience
Hospital: Venkateshwar Hospital, New Delhi


About Dr. Savita Dagar Dr. Savita Dagar is a consultant in Fetal Medicine with an experience of more than 10 years. Her areas of special interest are down syndrome, genetic test and procedure (CVS, amniocentesis, fetal reduction). She is also specialized in all kinds of pregnancy scans, genetic counselling, pre- pregnancy counselling, and high risk pregnancy management. Dr. Savita has previously worked in Lok Nayak Hospital, BLK Hospital, Indraprastha Apollo Hospital New Delhi. She has an active participation in all the seminars and workshops related to fetal medicine. After doing MBBS, Dr. Savita went on to do MS in Obstetrics and Gynecology and then did fellowship in Fetal Medicine from the UK.

Special Interest

Fetal Medicine
HIgh-risk Pregnancy
Genetic Counselling