Dr. Shreesha Shankar Maiya

Dr. Shreesha Shankar Maiya
Experience: 19 years of experience


About Dr. Shreesha Shankar Maiya Dr. Shreesha Shankar Maiya is a well known Paediatric Cardiologist practicing successfully for more than 19 years. He is skilled in offering treatment for congenital heart diseases. He is adept in performing Paediatric Electrophysiology. He possesses rich experience in working with cardiac surgeons and intensive care specialists. He is a member of the Royal college of Physicians, Edinburgh, UK.

Work Experience

, Fellow, Cardiology, The Great Ormond Street Hospital and The Royal Brompton Hospital

Consultant, Paediatric Cardiologist, The Royal Brompton Hospital and Harefield NHS Trust

Consultant, Narayana Multispeciality Hospital, Bangalore

Special Interest

Paediatric Cardiology
Paediatric Electrophysiology