Dr. Simone Fritschi

Dr. Simone Fritschi
Experience: 17 years of experience
Hospital: Meoclinic Hospital, Berlin


About Dr. Simone Fritschi Dr.Simone Fritschi is a medical professional specialised in the prevention and treatment of Cardiovascular diseases for 17 years. Her treatment includes performing MRI of the heart, Echocardiography, stress echo, Vascular Doppler method. She specialises in treating cardiac arrhythmias, heart failure and heart valve defects.  Dr. Fritschi holds professional membership of the German Society for Cardiology, European Association for Cardiovascular Imaging and European Society of Cardiology.  In 2001, Dr. Frtitschi completed her study of Human medicine from Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg and the Free University Berlin. The same year she earned the partial license to practice. In 2003, she obtained the final license to practice medicine. Dr. Fritschi is an acclaimed medical professional in diagnosing and offering therapy for peripheral arterial occlusive disease. Her practice also includes treatment of pulmonary hypertension, arterial hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. She obtained an additional qualification of a Hypertensiologist in 2013 from the German Hypertension League.  She has few scholarly articles to her credit.  Between 2012-19, she was teaching for seven years at various hospitals, centres and university departments.

Work Experience

Junior Consultant, Meoclinic Hospital, Berlin

Senior Registrar, Fremantle Hospital

Chief, Freelance

Special Interest

Heart failure
Heart valve defects
Thyroid and metabolic disorders related to cardiac arrhythmias
Obesity consultation
Cardio-pulmonary performance analysis for athletes