Dr. Thomas Sebastian

Dr. Thomas Sebastian
Experience: 20 years of experience
Hospital: LLH Hospital, Abu Dhabi


About Dr. Thomas Sebastian Dr. Thomas Sebastian is a General Practitioner in the United Arab Emirates with over 20 years of experience and is considered one of the greatest doctors in the field. He holds expertise in Diabetic Foot care and wound care , Emergency management. He graduated from a prestigious university with degrees in MBBS, PGDFM, PGHSc(Diabetology), and MHSc(Diabetology). He has published numerous papers in both national and international journals. He can speak hindi , english , malayalam  and a little bit of Arabic .

Work Experience

Associate Consultant, KIMS Global, Trivandrum

Consultant, Holy family Hospital ,Muthalakodam

Special Interest

Diabetic Foot care and wound care.
Emergency management.