Dr. Veit Becker

Dr. Veit Becker
Experience: 37 years of experience
Hospital: Asklepios Hospital Barmbek, Hamburg


About Dr. Veit Becker Dr. Veit Becker is a neurologist with 37+ years of experience. His forte includes treating migraine, stroke, vascular disease, multiple sclerosis and MS. He is a member of the German Society for Neurology, German Society for Ultrasound in Medicine (DEGUM) and the American Academy of Neurology. He has been involved in scientific work and head of studies on therapy, health economics and quality of life in multiple sclerosis. Dr. Becker has been a regional representative of the German Stroke Foundation from 1996 to 2003. He completed training for ultrasound diagnostics from Hamburg Medical Association.

Work Experience

Senior Registrar, University Hospital, Eppendorf

Special Interest

Treating migraine,
Vascular disease,