Dr Vimalendran Ratheesh is an exceptionally well-regarded and distinguished general practitioner who specialises in men’s health, mental health screening, digestive diseases and abdominal pain, preventive cardiology such as hypertension check-ups, skin conditions such as eczema, and chronic back pain. His current location of practice is High Glades Medical Centre.
Dr Ratheesh obtained a BSc in neuroscience at University College London in 2008. Following this, he graduated from medical school at University College London in 2011. Impressively, thus far in his medical career, he has conducted an astonishing 27,000 GP consultations as an NHS GP over the last six years alone. Currently, he has over 265 verified reviews and over 100 unverified reviews. This makes him the most reviewed GP in the country.
Dr Ratheesh also has a deep interest in the use and development of digital health technology. He is the founder and current CEO of DRGP Ltd, his own private GP telemedicine clinic which is set to be launched in the coming weeks. He possesses a high level of expertise in digital health, taking on important previous roles with the CCG and NHS innovations accelerator programme.
He trained as a GP at the East Sussex vocational training scheme and has worked at a number of highly established hospitals, including the Conquest Hospital in Hastings, Eastbourne District General Hospital, The Irvine unit at Bexhill Hospital, Woodlands Psychiatric Unit, and Churchwood medical practice. He completed his GP training in 2016 and is still a member of the Royal College of General Practitioners.
• Founder and CEO, DRGP Ltd (present)• East Sussex Local Medical Committee Co-opted Member
• Assessor for the NHS innovations accelerator programme• Voluntary analyst for BMA junior doctors committee 2015-2016• CCG Hastings and Rother Digital Support • Former CCG Hastings and Rother Recruitment and Retention • Former CCG Hastings and Rother Medicine Management
List of Treatments
Not Available
Work Experience
• More than 10 years of experience• General Practitioner, High Glades Medical Centre (present)