Dr. Viney Jetley

Dr. Viney Jetley
Experience: 27 years of experience
Hospital: Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, New Delhi


About Dr. Viney Jetley Dr Viney Jetley is an Interventional Cardiologist with 27+ experience. Efficiently handles all kinds of Invasive Cardiac Procedures, such as Angiography, Stenting Rotablation along with all kinds of device implantation including pacemakers, COMBO devices, Electrophysiology & Radiofrequency Ablation. Well trained in numerous paediatric cardiac catheterizations and paediatric interventions including Balloon Atrial Septostomy, Balloon Dilatation of Stenotic Aortic, Mitral and Pulmonary Valves, Coarctation Dilatation/Stenting, and device closure of ASD/VSD/PDA. Dr Jetley has operated over 10,000+  interventional procedures at various hospitals all over India, including all kinds of complex coronary angioplasties successfully. Initiated the Interventional Electrophysiology programme in the armed forces and accomplished over 1000 radiofrequency ablations. Under his credit, there are numerous national and international publications.

Work Experience

Associate Professor, Armed Forces Medical College.

Chief, Army Hospital Research and Referral.

Special Interest

Cardiac Catheterisation
Carotid Angioplasty And Stenting
Coronary Angiogram
Coronary Angioplasty / Bypass Surgery
Mitral/Heart Valve Replacement
CT Angiogram
Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators (Icds)
Pacemaker Implantation
Acute Aortic Dissection
Cardiac Rehabilitation
Heart Conditions
ASD / VSD Device Closure
Hypertension Treatment.