Dr. Waranyoo Phoolcharoen

Dr. Waranyoo Phoolcharoen
Experience: 46 years of experience
Hospital: Ramkhamhaeng Hospital, Bangkok


About Dr. Waranyoo Phoolcharoen Dr. Watanyoo Prachayanon is a Neurosurgeon practising in Thailand. He has 46 years of experience in the fields of Brain Surgery, Spine Surgery, Peripheral Nerve Surgery and Neurosurgery. He is a member of the Thai Medical Council and the Thai Board of Neurosurgery. Dr. Watanyoo Prachayanon studied MD (1974) from Chiang Mai University, Thailand. Dr. Watanyoo Prachayanon is well-versed in English and Thai.

Special Interest

Brain Surgery, Spine Surgery, Peripheral Nerve Surgery and Neurosurgery.