Dr. Wasan Udayachalerm

Dr. Wasan Udayachalerm
Experience: 39 years of experience
Hospital: Ramkhamhaeng Hospital, Bangkok


About Dr. Wasan Udayachalerm Dr. Wasan Udayachalerm operates in Thailand as an Interventional Cardiologist. He has 39 years of experience in the fields of Cardiology, Percutaneous Intervention and Interventional Cardiology. He is a member of the Thai Medical Council, the Thai Board of Internal Medicine and the Thai Board of Cardiology. Dr. Wasan Udayachalerm studied MD (1982) from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. He has a Fellowship in Intervention Cardiology from LUMC, the Netherlands. Dr. Wasan Udayachalerm is well-versed in English and Thai.

Work Experience

Consultant, Bumrungrad International Hospital

Associate Professor, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

Special Interest

Cardiology, Percutaneous Intervention and Interventional Cardiology.