Dr. Yong Hwy Kim

Dr. Yong Hwy Kim
Experience: 20 years of experience
Hospital: Seoul National University Hospital


About Dr. Yong Hwy Kim Dr. Yong Hwy Kim is a well-recognized Neurosurgeon in Seoul, South Korea with 20+ years in the field. He completed his M.D. from Seoul National University College of Medicine in 2000 and also pursued an M.S. in neurosurgery from the same university in 2004. He also has a Ph.D. from Seoul National University College of Medicine, which he completed in 2011. He has vast knowledge in areas such as Brain tumor, Chordoma, Craniopharyngioma, Pituitary tumor, Spinal nerve tumor, Vertebral metastasis, Cerebrovascular diseases, etc. Dr. Kim has been honored with many prestigious awards and takes interest in writing publications and articles for national and state journals.

Special Interest

Pituitary tumor
Pituitary adenoma
Cerebral artery aneurysm
Brain Cyst