Mr Goumalatsos was very helpful and gave a high quality of treatment. I would be happy to see him again and would recommend him to others with similar issues as mine.
• Mr Goumalatsos is a recognised trainer with the General Medical Council.
List of Treatments
Not Available
Special Interest
• Bleeding after menopause• Contraception
• Cystoscopy• Diagnostic laparoscopy and dye test• Endometrial ablation (and NovaSure)• Hysterectomy• Incontinence• Interstitial cystitis• Investigation and treatment of fibroids, polyps, irregular/heavy periods• Irregular/heavy periods• Laparoscopic hysterectomy (total/subtotal)• Laparoscopic myomectomy (fibroids removal)• Menopause• Mini (low-impact) laparoscopy• Myomectomy• Pelvic pain• Polycystic ovaries• Polyps• Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)• Sterilisation• Total laparoscopic hysterectomy (womb removal)• Vaginal hysterectomy (uterus removal) surgery• Vaginal refashioning• Well woman check-up