Mr Philip Charlesworth

Experience: More than 20 years of experience
Hospital: Not Available


I was very happy with my Appointment. Mr Charlesworth was reassuring.


 Surgical Director Urology GenesisCare UK Chairman – South Thames Valley / Berkshire Cancer Centre / Royal Berkshire – Specialist Uro-Oncology Multi Disciplinary Team
 Chairman – Berkshire, London & Essex – GenesisCare UK for Private patients – Specialist Uro-Oncology Multi Disciplinary Team

List of Treatments

Not Available

Work Experience

 More than 20 years of experience Consultant Urological Surgeon, Harley Street Clinic Diagnostic Centre (present)
 Consultant Urological Surgeon, The Forbury Clinic (present) Consultant Urological Surgeon, Harley Street Specialist Hospital (present) Consultant Urological Surgeon, GenesisCare UK, Windsor (present)

Special Interest

 Prostate cancer Bladder cancer
 Robotic surgery Prostatitis Haematuria (blood in the urine) Retzius sparing robotic prostatectomy (to preserve urinary continence) Robotic prostatectomy with graduated nerve sparing techniques including NeuroSAFE intraoperative frozen sections (to preserve erectile function) Infective and inflammatory conditions of the bladder & prostate Robotic cystectomy with robotic reconstruction including totally intracorporeal neobladder formation