Mr Sunil Kumar

Experience: More than 30 years of experience
Hospital: Not Available


Mr Sunil Kumar is an exceptionally well-regarded consultant urologist who specialises in kidney stones, prostate laser treatment, prostate removal, urinary tract infections, scrotal swelling, and bladder problems, amongst many others. He currently privately practises at the Reading-based Berkshire Independent Hospital, and The Forbury Clinic.

Mr Kumar, who qualified in 1991 after successfully completing an FRCS in urology at the Royal College of Surgeons, is an expert with regards to kidney stone disease and laser prostate surgery, and is, in fact, one of the most well-regarded urologists in the UK when it comes to this disease and this specific surgery. In 2006, he joined the Reading Urology Partnership and was appointed consultant urological surgeon at the Berkshire Independent Hospital, the main location where he currently practises today. 

Before undertaking his current role, Mr Kumar had worked as a specialist registrar throughout the South West of England, and, impressively, was awarded the South West Urologists Best Registrar prize during this period of time. He has, to-date, performed an astonishing 800+ Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (HoLEP) surgical procedures, and is also an expert in performing Rezum steam treatment. Mr Kumar’s work has been published in a substantial amount of renowned international publications.


 FRCS, Urology, Royal College of Surgeons (1991)

List of Treatments

Not Available

Work Experience

 More than 30 years of experience Consultant Urological Surgeon, Berkshire Independent Hospital (2006 – present)

Special Interest

 Holmium Laser Enucleation Extracoporeal shockwave lithotripsy
 Circumcision Scrotal surgery