Opr. Dr. Ahmet Dogan

Opr. Dr. Ahmet Dogan
Experience: 25 years of experience
Hospital: Medicana International Istanbul


About Opr. Dr. Ahmet Dogan Opr. Dr. Ahmet Doğan is an eminent Orthopedic Surgeon possessing 25+ years of experience. He holds extensive experience in Pediatric Orthopedics, Deformity Surgery, Ilizarov Surgery, Trauma Surgery, Foot & Ankle Surgery, and Prosthetic Surgery (Knee, Hip, Shoulder).  After completing the Faculty of Medicine from Uludağ University in 1993, he achieved specialty training from Istanbul Training and Research Hospital in 2001.

Work Experience

, Erzincan State Hospital

, Isparta 40th Infantry Regiment Infirmary (military service)

, Erzincan State Hospital

, SSK Istanbul Training and Research Hospital

, SSK Fethiye Hospital

, Ministry of Health Istanbul Training and Research Hospital

, Medical Park Bahcelievler Hospital

, Kolan International Hospital

Special Interest

Pediatric Orthopedics
Deformity Surgery
Ilizarov Surgery
Trauma Surgery
Foot and Ankle Surgery
Prosthetic Surgery (Knee, Hip Shoulder)