About Prof. Park Heeseung Prof. Park Heeseung possesses +15 years experience as a General Surgeon specialising in breast reconstruction surgeries and the treatment of breast cancer and benign breast diseases. Prof. Heeseung is a professional member of the International Committee of the Korean Breast Cancer Society. In the past, he has held memberships of the Korean Surgery Society, Korean Society of Oncology Surgery, Korean Breast Cancer Society and the Korean Cancer Society and the Department of Surgical Breast Disease of the Korean Society of Surgery. Prof. Heeseung is a graduate of the Kosin University College of Medicine (2005). He then earned his Master’s and Ph.D degree from the Ulsan University Graduate School of Medicine. He is an expert at conducting breast reconstruction and futher medical expertise in treating breast cancer and benign breast disease. Prof. Heeseung worked as a trainer in surgery and as Medical and Clinical Asst. Professor during the course of his career.
Work Experience
Junior Consultant, Pusan National University Hospital
Special Interest
Breast cancer
Benign breast disease