About Prof. Woo Young Shin Prof. Woo Young Shin is a renowned Liver Transplant Surgeon having a practice of +18 years and a medical professional for the treatment of liver cancer. Prof. Shin acquired his graduate (2001), PG (2007) and MD (2009) degrees from Seoul National University. During his career, he offered training at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Prof. Shin is an expert liver transplant surgeon and a medical professional for treating hepatocellular carcinoma and other diseases and disorders of the liver. He has explored, analysed and reported his findings in his field of expertise and pulished his works with other co-authors in reputed journals.
Work Experience
Professor, Inha University Hospital
Special Interest
Liver cancer
Hepatobiliary surgery
Hepatocellular carcinoma
Pancreatic adenocarcinoma
Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor