Professor Pier Lambiase

Experience: More than 30 years of experience
Hospital: Not Available


Very personable. I was able to have the required tests right away.


 Fellow of Royal College of Physicians Royal College of Physicians, London 2013

List of Treatments

Not Available

Work Experience

 More than 30 years of experience Consultant Cardiologist, Cleveland Clinic (present)
 Consultant Cardiologist, UCL & Barts Heart Centre Honorary Consultant Electrophysiologist, Royal Free Hospital London ( 2006 – present) Consultant Cardiologist and Reader in Cardiology, University College London (2006 – 2015)

Special Interest

 Echocardiogram Electrocardiogram
 Electrophysiology study  Electrasystole Genetic testing Heart attack  Heart check-up Heart failure  Heart murmur Heart problems in cancer patients Hereditary diseases  High triglycerides Hypercholesteolemia Hypertension  Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy  Implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) Lipid disorders Low blood pressure (hypotension) Marfans syndrome Mitral regurgitation  MRI Myocarditis OCT (optical coherence tomography) Pacemaker Palpitations Pericarditis Preventative cardiology  Second medical option  Shortness of breath (dyspnoea) Sleep apnoea  Sports cardiology Sports physical examination  Statins Stress test Stroke Sudden death  Supraventricular tachycardia Syncope Thoracic pain Tilt table Valvular heart disease Ventricular tachycardia  Angina Anxiety