About Spec. Dr. Murat Cobanoglu Spec. Dr. Murat ÃobanoÄlu is a well-known Neurosurgeon at Hisar Intercontinental Hospital, Istanbul. Spec. Dr. Murat ÃobanoÄlu received his undergraduate degree from Ä°stanbul University CerrahpaÅa Faculty of Medicine followed by an expertise certification from Ankara Muhittin Ãlker Training and Research Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery in 1998. Spec. Dr. Murat ÃobanoÄlu received training his certifications from prestigious institutions.
List of Treatments
- Carotid Endarterectomy
- Cerebral Angioplasty
- Cerebral or Brain Aneurysm Treatment
- Endovascular Coiling
- Surgical Clipping
- Temporal Lobectomy
- Lesionectomy
- Hemispherectomy
- Corpus Callosotomy
- Vagus Nerve Stimulation
- Multiple Subpial Transections MST
- Microvascular Decompression MVD
- Percutaneous Balloon Compression (PBC)
- Stereotactic Radio Surgery
- Percutaneous Steriotactic Treatment – PSR
- Radiofrequency Rhizotomy – Neurotomy
- Brain Tumor Surgery
- Pineal Region Tumors Treatment
- Gliomas Treatment
- Meningioma
- Schwannomas
- VP Shunting
- Ventriculostomy
- Skull Base Surgery
- Sleep Disorders
- Restless Leg Syndrome Treatment
- Narcolepsy Treatment
- Headache
- Multiple Sclerosis Treatment
- Chronic Cerebro Spinal Venous Insufficiency Treatment
- Liberation Treatment
- Sensory Ataxia Treatment
- Pituitary Tumor Treatment
- Cerebral Palsy – Stem Cell Treatment
- Paediatric Aneurysm
- Arteriovenous Malformations
- Bell’s Palsy Treatment
- Cerebral Angiogram
- Craniotomy Surgery
- Deep Brain Stimulation
- Gamma Knife for AVM or Brain Tumor
- Cranioplasty
- Neural Stem Cell Therapy
- Autism – Stem Cell Treatment
- Muscular Dystrophy – Stem Cell Treatment
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Neuropathy – Stem Cell Treatment
- Brain Haemorrhage Treatment
- Blood Clot Brain Surgery
- CyberKnife Treatment
- Neurosurgery
- Alzheimerâs Disease Treatment
- Acoustic Neuroma
- Stroke Treatment
- High Cervical Stimulation
- Electrical Cortical Stimulation
- Spinal Cord Stimulation for Pain
- Drug Pump Implantation for Chronic Pain Management
- Sacral Neuromodulation
- Conservative management
- Thecoperitonial shunt
- Microsurgical tumor removal
- Endoscopic decompression
Work Experience
, Ankara Ãubuk State Hospital Emergency Department Physician
, Ankara Muhittin Ãlker Training and Research Hospital
, Specialization in Neurosurgery
, Manisa Akhisar State Hospital Neurosurgery Clinic
, Ankara Muhittin Ãlker Training and Research Hospital
, Ankara Oncology Training and Research Hospital
, Corum Private Hospital Neurosurgery Clinic
, MuÄla Yücelen Hospitals Group
, Dr. Erkan KaptanoÄlu Spinal Surgery Clinic Spine – Spinal Surgery Fellow
Special Interest
Lumbar hernia,
Neck hernia,
Waist Shift (Spondylolisthesis),
Lumbar Stenosis,
Tumors of the spinal cord,
Pituitary tumors,
Brain Tumors,
Brain Bleedings,
Brain Aneurysms,
Low Back Pain,
Non-Surgical Treatment of Low Back Pain,
Non-Surgical Treatment of Lumbar Hernia,
Low Back Pain Treatment with Epidural Injection,
Caudal Epidural Injection,
Transforaminal Injection,
Nerve Congestion Diseases,
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (Wrist Nerve Stress),
Kubel Tel Syndrome (Nerve Stress in Elbow),
Laser Microdiscectomy